Spot­light on the Fab­ric House: Your Go-To Fab­ric & Win­dow Treat­ment Re­source in Nashville

The Fabric House Nashville

We love shin­ing a light on fan­tas­tic busi­ness­es that help our mem­bers thrive. One such busi­ness is Fab­ric House, a lo­cal gem in Nashville, known for its amaz­ing se­lec­tion of high-qual­i­ty fab­rics, trims, and de­sign es­sen­tials. We’re proud to be af­fil­i­at­ed with Fab­ric House—a store that’s not only a trea­sure trove for win­dow cov­er­ing pro­fes­sion­als but also a won­der­ful re­source for in­te­ri­or de­sign­ers, drap­ery work­rooms, and in­stallers.

A Nashville Sta­ple for All Your Fab­ric Needs

Fab­ric House has been a go-to for de­sign­ers and win­dow treat­ment ex­perts for years, and it’s easy to see why. They of­fer an in­cred­i­ble range of fab­rics, from lux­u­ri­ous silks and vel­vets to prac­ti­cal linens and cot­ton blends. Whether you’re work­ing on a chic new set of drapes, a cozy set of cur­tains, or cus­tom win­dow treat­ments that de­mand a lit­tle ex­tra, they’ve got the fab­ric to match. Their se­lec­tion is per­fect for projects that need a spe­cial touch, blend­ing both style and function—whether it’s some­thing light and breezy or rich and heavy for added pri­va­cy.

What makes Fab­ric House stand out is not just the va­ri­ety they of­fer, but the qual­i­ty. You can trust that every roll of fab­ric you pick up from them will ex­ceed your ex­pec­ta­tions, mak­ing it eas­i­er for you to de­liv­er top-notch re­sults to your clients.

Drapery Workroom

A Trust­ed Re­source for Win­dow Cov­er­ing Pro­fes­sion­als

For the pro­fes­sion­als in our community—whether you’re an in­staller, a work­room, or an in­te­ri­or designer—having a re­li­able source like Fab­ric House makes all the dif­fer­ence. They’re more than just a fab­ric store; they’re a team of ex­perts who un­der­stand the ins and outs of the de­sign world and the spe­cif­ic needs of win­dow cov­er­ing projects.

Their staff is al­ways ready to help with friend­ly ad­vice, whether you need to match a fab­ric to a room’s light­ing con­di­tions, find the per­fect pat­tern for a cus­tom win­dow treat­ment, or place a large or­der for a big project. And let’s not for­get their trade dis­counts and spe­cial pro­mo­tions, which help make sure that you can stay com­pet­i­tive with­out sac­ri­fic­ing qual­i­ty.

Proud to Sup­port Lo­cal

As a Nashville-based busi­ness, we at WCPA are es­pe­cial­ly proud to sup­port and pro­mote lo­cal com­pa­nies like Fab­ric House. They’ve be­come a sta­ple in our com­mu­ni­ty, and it’s great to see how they con­tin­ue to evolve with fresh, mod­ern fab­rics while still car­ry­ing those time­less clas­sics. Whether you’re stop­ping by their Nashville lo­ca­tion or shop­ping on­line, you’ll al­ways find some­thing to in­spire your next project.

And it’s not just about fab­rics! Fab­ric House is also an of­fi­cial Iron­Rods deal­er ( So, if you’re look­ing for high-qual­i­ty, styl­ish hard­ware to com­ple­ment your win­dow treat­ments, you’re in for a treat. The Iron­Rods col­lec­tion adds that per­fect fin­ish­ing touch with sleek, durable, and beau­ti­ful op­tions for your drap­ery hard­ware. It’s yet an­oth­er rea­son why Fab­ric House is such a valu­able re­source for win­dow cov­er­ing pro­fes­sion­als.

Why We Love Fab­ric House

At WCPA, we know that the suc­cess of our mem­bers of­ten hinges on the qual­i­ty of their part­ner­ships. Fab­ric House has proven time and again that they’re a trust­wor­thy, go-to part­ner for any­one in the win­dow cov­er­ing in­dus­try. Whether you’re in the ear­ly stages of se­lect­ing fab­ric or fi­nal­iz­ing your hard­ware, Fab­ric House of­fers every­thing you need to com­plete your projects with style and pre­ci­sion.

Their com­mit­ment to qual­i­ty, friend­ly ser­vice, and the sup­port they pro­vide to the lo­cal de­sign com­mu­ni­ty is why we’re proud to be af­fil­i­at­ed with them. Whether you’re a de­sign­er, a work­room pro, or an in­staller, you’ll find that Fab­ric House has the ma­te­ri­als and ex­per­tise to help bring your vi­sion to life.

So, if you haven’t al­ready, make sure to check them out—either in per­son or on­line at You’ll be glad you did, and so will your clients!.

Here’s to mak­ing your next win­dow cov­er­ing project the best one yet with the help of Fab­ric House.