Who Is The WCPA

Learn about our mis­sion and how be­com­ing a mem­ber
can el­e­vate your ca­reer in the win­dow cov­er­ing in­dus­try.

Drapery workroom featuring members of the WCPA window covering association

Wel­come to the Win­dow Cov­er­ing Pro­fes­sion­als of Amer­i­ca

The WCPA is the pre­mier win­dow cov­er­ing as­so­ci­a­tion in Amer­i­ca, ded­i­cat­ed to drap­ery work­rooms, in­stallers, & oth­er win­dow treat­ment pro­fes­sion­als. With a stead­fast com­mit­ment to ex­cel­lence, we strive to el­e­vate the in­dus­try through com­pre­hen­sive ed­u­ca­tion, in­no­v­a­tive re­sources and un­wa­ver­ing sup­port.

Our Mis­sion

At WCPA, our mis­sion is clear: to em­pow­er & in­spire drap­ery pro­fes­sion­als by pro­vid­ing cut­ting edge in­for­ma­tion, ex­cep­tion­al ed­u­ca­tion­al op­por­tu­ni­ties, and a ro­bust pro­fes­sion­al net­work. We be­lieve through col­lab­o­ra­tion and con­tin­u­ous learn­ing, we can trans­form the win­dow cov­er­ing in­dus­try, set­ting new stan­dards of qual­i­ty and cre­ativ­i­ty.

What We Of­fer

Stay in­formed with the lat­est in­dus­try news, trends, and best prac­tices. Our ex­ten­sive li­brary of re­sources in­cludes ar­ti­cles, case stud­ies, oth­er in­sights de­signed to keep you at the fore­front of the win­dow treat­ment in­dus­try.

Our as­so­ci­a­tion of­fers a wide range of ed­u­ca­tion­al re­sources. Whether you’re a sea­soned pro­fes­sion­al or just start­ing out, you’ll find op­por­tu­ni­ties to en­hance your skills and knowl­edge.

Well keep you in­formed about op­por­tu­ni­ties to con­nect with fel­low win­dow treat­ment pro­fes­sion­als. From trou­bleshoot­ing in­stal­la­tion chal­lenges to shar­ing in­no­v­a­tive de­sign so­lu­tions, you’ll find the sup­port you need to suc­ceed.

Our Val­ues

We are com­mit­ted to main­tain­ing the high­est stan­dards in every­thing we do, from our ed­u­ca­tion­al of­fer­ings to our mem­ber ser­vices.

We em­brace cre­ativ­i­ty and for­ward think­ing en­cour­ag­ing our mem­bers to ex­plore new ideas and push the bound­aries of what’s pos­si­ble in the win­dow treat­ment in­dus­try.

Com­mu­ni­ty is our great­est as­set. We fos­ter a col­lab­o­ra­tive and in­clu­sive en­vi­ron­ment where all mem­bers can share their ex­pe­ri­ences, learn from one an­oth­er and grow to­geth­er.

Join Us

Be­com­ing a mem­ber of the WCPA means join­ing a com­mu­ni­ty of like mind­ed pro­fes­sion­als who are pas­sion­ate about drap­ery and win­dow cov­er­ings. To­geth­er, we can achieve great things and con­tin­ue to grow your busi­ness and el­e­vate the in­dus­try.

Thank you for vis­it­ing us, and we look for­ward to sup­port­ing your jour­ney to­wards ex­cel­lence in the win­dow cov­er­ing in­dus­try.